Porteurs de projets, Chefs d'entreprises, choisissez l'expertise et l'innovation financière avec le cabinet REWARDS EXPERTISE ! Nos solutions d'ingénierie financière sont pragmatiques, concrètes et reconnues. Elles sont issues des travaux des chercheurs financiers de renommée mondiale et de la thèse de doctorat de l'Associé-Fondateur de notre cabinet.
Whatever its size, a company finds itself confronted one day or another with the sale of one of its assets or with the need to support its activity with an opportunity for external growth, not to mention the sale of the company by its shareholders. Business leaders will thus be confronted with a complex process that frequently involves a real transformation of the business. This is called ''Merger-Acquisition or M&A''. Whatever one says, the decision to sell an asset of the company constitutes a negative signal for third parties. This creates an information asymmetry between buyer and seller. The wary buyer will seek to obtain as much information as possible about the target. While the seller, knowing very well his asset on sale, will seek to combat this negative signal by giving successive waves of information to potential buyers. In fact, conducting and carrying out such an operation calls for specialized skills in financial communication. The financial analyst must then better present the information provided by the seller so that it is easily understood and exploitable by potential buyers. This information must also present the desirability of the case for each party.
Our M&A analyst solution takes the form of a financial engineering mission and concludes
in a structured report and annexes to :
Explain the relevance of the target evaluation method used
Set the range of the appropriate transaction price
Present, on the basis of objective elements identified, a reasoned opinion on the essential elements for the
conclusion of the transaction
Explain the legal, tax, accountingand financial characteristics of the operation
Structuring the reporting templates necessary for post-acquisition monitoring
To present the corresponding accounting entry schemes for each of the parties.
The most important choice in the investment decision is the choice of business model or market to explore. The investor must ensure that his market really exists and that his product and/or service are not non-essential for the target clientele. Our expertise solution takes the form of an independent review mission aimed at testing the economic and financial data that you hold on your target market. In a structured report and on the basis of objective elements, we give you our opinion on whether or not to invest in the chosen business market. This report, if it leads to a favorable conclusion, will constitute an important first document for your search for financing.
The expertise of your business model leads to a favorable conclusion, Congratulation! You then need to design and structure your business plan. This must provide an exhaustive forecast of the needs necessary to ensure the sustainability of your business as well as the kind of financing adapted to your organization and your activity. Our design financial engineer solution takes the form of a financial engineering mission and concludes in a structured report and annexes to :
Our design financial engineer solution takes the form of a financial engineering mission and
concludes in a structured report and annexes to :
The expression and detailed presentation of your investment needs
The presentation of suitable forms of financing
Explain the risk factors to which you will be exposed
Define and design tools to cover your investment risks
The definition of your investment strategy in the chosen sector
Establish the financial projections of your business
Present the profitability indicators of your company
Express a reasoned opinion on the opportunity for an investor to financeyour company's project
Your company develops by creating new activities or establishing itself in new markets. You must ask yourself about the evolution of the scope of your organization. Whatever the mode of development chosen, by organic growth - via the creation of subsidiaries- or by external growth - the acquisition of majority or minority stakes, this change will lead to the creation of a group in order to facilitate the development of all of your investments.
Our design financial engineer solution takes the form of a financial engineering mission and
concludes in a structured report and annexes to:
The expression and detailed presentation of your investment needs
The presentation of suitable forms of financing
Explain the risk factors to which you will be exposed
Define and design tools to cover your investment risks
The definition of your investment strategy in the chosen sector
Establish the financial projections of your business
Present the profitability indicators of your company
Express a reasoned opinion on the opportunity for an investor to financeyour company's project