You are going through a turbulent period due to the decline inyour company's cash inflows
Your costs are increasing and you want to know the new selling price to be set that will allow you to generate sufficient margin that is acceptableto your customers
You notice that your company is not hanging on to its market and you want to define a new business strategy quickly
You are having difficulty meeting your contractual commitments to your creditors, and you want assistance during this period in the life of your business
You know that the flow of cash coming into your business is the same as the flow out, and you want to know what to do ?
Do you know that the flow of cash coming into your business is lower than the flow out, and you want to know what to do ?
You want to know the situation of your available assets and your payable liabilities in order to take appropriate measures to avoid a situation of cessation of payment
You want a strategic and deep transformation in order to ensurethe continuity of your business
You want assistance in renegotiating the conditions of your contractual commitments (bank credit, customer deadlines and supplier deadlines)
You want to be assisted in the implementation of a financial package (LBO, defeasance, etc.) in order to get your company out of its turbulent zone
You are looking for financing in order to quickly seize a business opportunity that can create a synergy effect and thus get your business out of its turbulent zone.